
For couples: 5 habits that can ruin your sex life this year

However, you should do what you can to keep your sex life abundant for the happiness of you and your partner and the health of your relationship.

If you do not have any real-life health issues but your sex life is dull or nil then it is possible that you are not doing something right.

When you have late dinners, overeat and have midnight snacks, they make you tired and full and in the end, you just want to sleep. When you eat lighter there is a good chance that you are going to have more energy and have sex in the evening later.

Alcohol is another big reason why the sex drive goes down the hill. People often drink to combat stress, but it can backfire, making them tired or grouchy. Alcohol is a depressant. A small amount turns you on but too much can kill it all and make it very difficult to have an orgasm.

Smoking is bad not just for your lungs but for your sex life as well. As per research, nicotine is linked to decreased sexual arousal response in men and women. In case you or your partner need one more reason to quit, improving your sex life seems like pretty good motivation.

  • Cuddling next to your phone

If you both cuddle up with the iPad or phone next to you then it is not going to happen. Your emotions should not be divided when you are together and all sex therapists advise this. Couples end up having lesser sex.

In many cases, couples suffer in silence because one or both partners don’t want to hurt each other’s feelings.

But the hard truth is, if you want to have a good sex life, you have to be willing to have an uncomfortable conversation about what you want from your partner. And when he/she tells you something to improve about yourself, try not to take it personally. Drop your ego and listen.

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