
5 biggest lies men tell on their first date

They can lie about all sorts of things but there are 5 biggest lies which are common and it is up to you when it comes to forgiving them for the same.

Most men have this issue of exaggerating and lying about their job. They will make it sound like a fortune making company or job even if it is not. Men feel that this attracts women. They feel like it is necessary to show that they are alpha males.

Some men feel that if they talk about their apartment in a romantic and cool sense then they have all your attention. Few men reveal the fact that they are living with their parents and even if they talk about it as in India most of us are living with the parents, they will show that they have a different entry point in the house etc.

Nobody reveals their anxiety issues on the first date. Men especially, try to show that they are very laid back and independent. Very few admit to the fact that they like to have things in order and that they cannot even boil an egg.

If he drinks every day, you will not get to know unless you start spending that much time with them. Men know that no woman likes to be with someone who has substance abuse issues. Men do have this tendency to downplay their number of drinks on the first date.

Being fit today is a major ask so most men try to show that they have just come from a workout, have to go to the gym etc. It may be true but they like to highlight it. They feel that this false aura impresses women and is a fail-proof plan.

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