
Sexual frustration? Here are 5 ways to deal with this menace

Sexual frustration really can make you feel irritated, agitated and downright miserable if you don’t do something to address it.

If you are not getting enough sex or your partner is unable to fulfil your needs then there is bound to be some sort of sexual frustration. Do not lose your mind, there is a solution to every problem! Here are a few tips that might help you deal with sexual frustration.

  • Why wait for just the partner to make a move

He or she always makes the first move so you won’t try if you are in the mood? Do not make that mistake. Stop waiting for the other to initiate sex. You make the move irrespective of your gender. Otherwise, the resentment keeps on building and you will simply add it to the frustration.

  • Work on the emotional intimacy

Sex and physical intimacy is not everything. You must initiate emotional intimacy first. If you know that the emotional connection has diminished so the sex too is gone, then why not work on the grass root first?

First, make sure that the medium you use is safe and then you can go for a video sex chat or sexting if you are sexually frustrated. You can try one night stands in case you are single and not wanting to commit.

We all suffer with sexual frustration from time to time, be reassured that it is a normal part of a healthy sexual relationship. The key is to communicate openly and honestly about it and help your partner to understand why it is important to you that you work to find a solution together.

If you are single and sexually frustrated then use sex toys which are easily available online and come in discreet packaging too. Toys help you orgasm and you do not need a partner for the same.

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