
Masturbating in relationship | Pulse Ghana

I bet her case isn’t the only one. So I decided to delve deeper into the topic and find out what masturbation is like. About whether I was right to talk to a couples psychologist.

Sex with yourself is masturbation. It is a desire for fulfillment for yourself. Thanks to this activity, whether with a partner or alone, we can prevent certain health problems, learn about our sexuality and the feelings of our body, says Marlena Ewa Kazoń, a psychotherapist. And he points out that, contrary to many opinions, it is a very important element of our lives. It can even support our sexual relationship with our partner.

Women who masturbate find it easier to achieve orgasm during traditional intercourse and oral sex. Additionally, if she allows her partner to observe herself while she does this, he will have the opportunity to learn what kind of touch she enjoys the most. It is extremely important that you allow yourself to do this and allow your partner to do this as well. We are often stopped by shame and loneliness in a relationship, but it’s really helpful, explains Kazoń.

Giving each other pleasure can be helpful for both partners. Why? A woman’s body is not as easy to use as a man’s. It is worth learning how it reacts to various sexual stimuli. You can do these “learnings” with a partner, but sometimes solo exercises turn out to be much more effective. You could say: learn to give yourself pleasure and you will be able to achieve it with someone else, explains Kazoń.

And in fact, a lot of women I know complain about sex with their partners. And it’s not about the frequency, but the fact that it’s harder for them to achieve orgasm. Or they simply don’t get enough pleasure from intercourse. My friend blamed herself for masturbating for a long time. We often think that if we have a partner and have sex, that should be enough. Very often, however, we put our partner’s pleasure above our own. And that’s when the problems start.

When women don’t have orgasms and don’t feel pleasure during sexual intercourse, their first command is, “Please start masturbating.” Masturbation is often used as an element of therapy and self-fulfillment. It is considered one of the most effective ways to maximise orgasms. Especially in the case of women. Some women have to overcome family scripts and aversion to their mothers’ bodies and a subconscious tendency to reject pleasure – explains a couples psychotherapist.

Masturbation has been with us almost from the beginning of our development. However, this natural activity often causes shame and guilt. This applies primarily to women.

We are not taught to know our body and the pleasures it can give us. On the contrary, we are often told that we should give more than we take. This is why women enjoy sex with themselves more than with a man. However, it can and is worth changing it, says Kazoń.

My friends, even though they are emancipated and live in large European metropolises, are unable to overcome some stereotypes. Mainly because certain topics are simply not discussed.

Let us remember that masturbation is a natural part of human sexual development. It is already observed in children in the womb. Then it appears developmentally in several-year-old children, only to return as a symptom of awakening sexuality in adolescence. In adults it can perform various functions. Act as an element of sexual life in a couple, or as a substitute, or as a way to diversify and get to know yourself solo. Women who masturbate know their bodies better, have orgasms more often and have higher self-esteem, says Kazoń.

Of course, there are also negative aspects of masturbation. You can become addicted to it. Just as we become addicted to a substance or activity that allows us to relieve internal tension. This activity, when we also have problems in the bedroom, may cause them to accumulate.

Relieving sexual (or other) tension only in this way can be harmful and lead to addiction. We then become disturbed and lose ourselves in the feeling of, “I have to masturbate to relax.” Unfortunately, this leads to sex addiction disorders.

If masturbation replaces any kind of closeness, that’s already a problem, Kazoń points out. He adds that it is worth observing and reacting to potential problems on an ongoing basis. A psychotherapist or sexologist will help you solve these problems.

Orgasm, in the case of women, gives a feeling of satisfaction, bliss and relaxation. Each of us is different and experiences and interprets it in our own way. — Let us remember that by choosing sex with each other, we give ourselves a lot of pleasure, self-discovery and relief.

As long as this activity does not replace closeness and is not the only response to sexual stress and frustration, everything is perfectly fine with us, says Kazoń.

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