
Ladies! Here’s why you need to stop telling guys you’re cool with casual relationships when you’re not

Casually dating someone usually means you like them enough to want to hang out with them regularly but are either not ready for a serious relationship or just don’t want one, whether that’s in general or just with this person in particular.

There is no commitment and possibly a lack of interest in establishing a serious, meaningful relationship.

The moment you feel so desperate not to let a guy go hence, you beg him to stay with fewer expectations from you, it sucks!

Never stoop so low in the standard pool and allow someone access your companionship solely on their terms.

Here are some brutal truths about consenting to a casual union when that isn’t what you’re looking for:

  • Nothing that’s forced works

Why waste your energy on tolerating a setup that’s less than what you truly desire? You would have to put a cap on how much emotional attachment you show and act on regardless of how you actually feel. Bottling feelings inside that you can’t let out will eventually cause you to implode and wreak havoc on your well-being. Don’t sign yourself up for that kind of torture.

  • You’re short-changing yourself

Why make yourself available for situationships if you’re wifey material? Market yourself for what you’re worth. Guys should earn access to you, not be allowed to enjoy the perks of what you have to offer sans commitment. Make them work for you or kick them to the curb. If they don’t want to stick around because you demand more, you’re better off without them in your life anyway.

The truth always comes out and at the end of the day, you’d be the one in the wrong for being deceptive. If he never wanted more and you both agreed to this arrangement upfront, you can’t blame him for acting accordingly and not changing his mind when your feelings get deeper. He’s just sticking to the plan. Stop thinking you can create a situation out of “potential” and see things for what they are.

  • You could miss a real opportunity

Attaching yourself to dead-end relationships keeps you occupied. When a guy who’s looking for a genuine serious commitment comes along, he’ll see you as tied up with these flings and continue his search for someone who is available. You could lose a chance at exactly what you’re looking for by lingering in less than that. It’s okay and better, in the long run, to be alone until what you want presents itself.

If you agree to a casual connection when you want more, there’s no telling what will go on in your relationship. You could be allowing open hooking up, inconsistency, and a lack of special attention for major events and holidays. You can’t even complain because you didn’t set the proper boundaries to expect otherwise.

Why willingly consent to emotional martyrdom? Be real with yourself about what you want. If you keep doing what you’re doing you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting, so make a change and stop blocking your blessings. The only path to true fulfilment is to take risks for your goals.

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