
3 reasons to keep pornography out of your relationship

You can’t possibly expect your girlfriend, Nkiru in Obalende to do to you what Shadow Kitten, a professional pornstar, does on TV.

When in romantic relationships and marriages though, you may want to tone down on pornography and how you view and use it. Here are reasons why you should consider this:

Viewing pornography is essentially cheating on your significant other. But it is also cheating yourself out of an authentic, human interaction that stretches you to be a better version of yourself.

If you’re the type to enjoy such content with your partner, however, that’s a different thing altogether.

People in real life have headaches after long busy days at work; they have cramps, feel tired and stressed out and sex gets turned down and postponed all the time. This rarely happens in porno flicks and regularly internalizing this could make you build unrealistic demands on how regularly sex should be between you and your partner.

This is one of the most common faults of porn that everyone sees through and easily complain about. And it’s true, you can’t possibly expect your girlfriend, Nkiru in Obalende to do the same things that Shadow Kitten, a professional pornstar, does on TV.

Not only have these shots be taken repeatedly to look that good, the lighting and conditioning and scenery have all been tweaked to look glossy and as nice as what you see as the end product.

In real life, sex is rarely as glossy, air-brushed or perfectly choreographed.

Consuming so much of that and building up an expectation based on that may be really bad for you.

No woman will likely be able to keep up with what you see on TV, an neither will many men have the time or stamina to go on and on as porn actors do.

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