
Dear women, here are 5 things you do that men find confusing

Truth is, it’s better to be direct instead of doing these things.

Women rely on subtle body language cues to convey their feelings or indicate interest. However, decoding these non-verbal signals can be challenging for men who may not be as attuned to these cues or may interpret them differently.

Many of us know that a woman’s preferences, including those related to relationships, can evolve over time. What a woman might find attractive or desirable in one phase of her life may not align with her preferences in another phase. Men find this very puzzling and they struggle to keep up with these changes.

Women often use indirect communication styles, like throwing in hints, subtleties, and non-verbal cues to convey their thoughts and feelings. Men, on the other hand, generally, tend to prefer direct communication. They find indirectness very confusing.

Women are often perceived as having a greater emotional range and complexity when compared to men. This can sometimes make it difficult for men to fully grasp or predict a woman’s emotional responses or understand the factors influencing her mood.

Men may sometimes struggle to interpret mixed signals from women. Women sometimes show interest one moment and then appear distant or unresponsive the next. This makes it challenging for men to understand the underlying reasons behind these fluctuations.

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