
Not having enough sex? Here’s what it means, what to do

Each couple’s definition of a “normal” sex life is as unique to them as other aspects of their partnership, like how frequent date night is, or whether goodnight texts are absolutely mandatory.

Lack of sex in a relationship is considered a problem when one or all parties involved say it’s a problem.

Basically, if or when you are feeling dissatisfied with the frequency or the actual practice of sex, then you are not having enough sex.

There are a lot of changes you’ll experience and even if you don’t openly admit it, you miss sex and you want some action. So if you have been feeling a bit off lately, chances are you are not getting enough of it. Here are some signs:

Your mood swings fluctuate rapidly. You’re often grumpy and easily irritable.

Oxytocin released during an orgasm is known to have positive effects on emotional health and your relationship bond.

Inconsistent sleeping patterns due to constant sex thoughts.

  • You may sexualise everything

Everything seems to stimulate you because you are not getting some.

You put yourself out there to get some attention from the opposite sex. A simple smile from a crush get you thinking of all sorts of naughty things.

Here are some quick and dirty tips for improving the frequency of sex in your relationship:

Daily responsibilities can get in the way of sexual intimacy, but the key is optimizing your day and prioritizing connecting with your partner above other things.

Prioritizing your daily routine can be very helpful. Organize your day for sex the way you’d organize for work.

It’s the most common relationship advice, and for good reason—communication is essential to a healthy relationship. Increased communication, in general, can improve all aspects of your relationship by helping to build emotional intimacy. This typically leads to better sex. Talking specifically about sex helps as well.

It is important to talk about the things you want to do or try with your partner. Opening up about fantasies and kinks can go a long way in improving your sex life.

Ongoing issues, like mismatched sex drives, may require an expert perspective. Sex therapy can help couples work through the emotional aspects of sex, including low libido, communication issues, and even past abuse, that may be showing up in the bedroom.

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